Thursday, November 13, 2008

Writing does the mind good

*sighs* only the fifth entry and I'm already lagging behind. Well, looks like I'll have two of them, for today, but I'll still post them as separate entries.

Here goes the on to make up for yesterday.

Today's "One Minute Writer" prompt: Writing

... aaaaaand GO!
Hmm... To write about writing, you must first understand why you write. Is it something you're doing for a class? Is it a hobby? For some, writing is serious business because it is what they do to put food on their families table; to keep a roof over their heads. For me, I guess it is more of a hobby. I do wish I were better at it, so I could use it to help keep a roof over my head and food in the fridge. Heck, i just wish I were better at it so my friends reading my writing would enjoy it more.

All things aside, i do still love writing... Here's to wishing I were better at it, and had more time for it!
... one minute is up ....

Wow! I really don't have much to add to that. This is where I ask whoever is reading this if they'd leave a message. A simple comment would do, but this time, I'd love to get a couple requests. What would you all like me to write about?

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