Saturday, November 22, 2008

Can You Hear Me?

From here on out I'm just going to go ahead and label this segment what I named this blog, "yuki's minute". I don't think anyone should really have a problem with that. Also, I've found that I've been starting to procrastinate as of late... I'll try to get back on track soon with these, but until I do, I'll still be posting these a few at a time; each prompt will still get its own entry.
So, without further adieu...

On this edition of... "yuki's minute" the prompt is: Listen

  • Listen. Write about what you hear, right now.
... aaaaaand GO!
I close my eyes to let the sounds come to me. My sense of hearing was never my strongest. I often wonder if the old saying of 'talking one's ears off' could really have been true, but I can remember not having the best of hearing even before all the times my mom would scold me for almost everything. Funny thing, though... I could always hear her perfectly when she'd scold me...

Don't get me wrong, I can really hear just fine... but sometimes, I don't hear everything (or everyone) that's around me. I don't know if it's psychological, or just 'faulty equipment'.
... one minute is up ....

I can actually hear a few things, right now, but I can't really name very many of them without having to get up and walk around to find out what they are. What can I name? Well, of course there's the hum from my laptop, and the rattling from the heater; it's one of those a/c units that can also be used as an air heater... There's only one more sound that I can discern without having to move away from the computer, and that is the sound of the air exhaust above the stove in the kitchen that I forgot to turn off after making myself a small breakfast. It's pretty faint, but I can kinda hear it because I remember not turning it off...

There are some other sounds that are coming from outside that I do not know. one sounds like the sound of an air pump, or maybe a steam valve, somewhere. For all I know it could just be a heater just like mine, only coming from a different apartment. It just sounds different.

Well, time to move onto the next topic. But, of course, before that I leave this entry with my own question:
I've already told you that my sense of hearing was not my best, but it's not my worst, either. You can have guesses on which sense is my worst, (could be a pretty easy guess since there are only four left,) or you can tell me a story about a time when one of your senses didn't "live up to expectation".
Mata ne!

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