Friday, November 14, 2008

Three Goals

*sighs* Ohhh-kay... back on track (I think...) In any case, on towards the next subject.

Today's "One Minute Writer" prompt: Three Goals

... aaaaaand GO!
Today's prompt asks to write about three realistic goals that I'd like to achieve in my lifetime. Right now, this is something that is actually pretty difficult to think of. Of course I have goals, but many of them seem to be unattainable. Especially if we're talking about lifetime goals, not just every day, run-o-the-mill goals.

I guess one of them would be to be able to move back to Chicago, even if just for the simple reason that I miss it. I guess one other goal would be to get married. I would have to believe that such would be a realistic goal. The third goal would be to buy a house, with or without having fulfilling the other two goals.
... one minute is up ....

I think the hardest one to "live up" to is actually getting married. I'm not that young, and I don't get out much anymore because of a mix of work, medical problems, and just general laziness. I haven't really dated in the past year or two, and haven't really had much (if any) romance in my life for a long time. Of course, I'm still attracted to women, but most of the women I meet already have families, if not married already. I do not wish to ruin anyone's marriage, and subsequently add more problems to my own life.

Regarding buying a house, I would prefer that to happen after I've moved back to Chicago.

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