Saturday, November 22, 2008


On this edition of... "yuki's minute" the prompt is: Growing Older
  • Write a response to the phrase "growing older."
... aaaaaand GO!
We grow older every day. Is there really much difference between days, weeks, months and years? If you live every day for what it's worth, then wouldn't that pretty much be the same for every week, month, and year? They say that with age comes wisdom, but the real wisdom is knowing how to use it.
... one minute is up ...

"Wise beyond his years"...

I get that a lot when people look at me or my picture(s). Why do people always associate one's looks with age? Even knowing that certain races have some age-defying protein or what-not in their bodies to make them look (almost) eternally young. I've had people think that I'm still a teenager, and that's fine by me if they want to think that. It just makes me seem that much smarter when they come to me for advice or help.

For me, growing older isn't much different than everyday life. You age the same sitting up, lying down, or standing. It matters not. What matters is what you do as you grow older. Reading can be the same as watching a movie. Doing a crossword puzzle can be the same as watching and/or participating while watching Jeopardy! The quality of one's life doesn't mean you have to be stressed out all the time. All of these are things you learn as you 'grow older'

I don't mind growing older, but if someone had found a way to grow younger, that would just be... well, I can't describe how great that would be...
Are you dreading growing older? If so, I'd like to hear why.
Mata ne!

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