Saturday, November 22, 2008

Where Do YOU Begin?

On this edition of... "yuki's minute" the prompt is: First Day
  • Describe a "first day" in your life (first day of marriage, of school, at a new job, etc.)
... aaaaaand GO!
I wasn't as nervous starting on this first day. Actually, I don't really remember if I felt any nervousness at all, which strikes me as quite odd since I hadn't even been in the city for even a week. maybe that's what helped, as well; not having to wait out an entire application process. In any case, that first day was five years ago, when I first started where i still work today...
... one minute is up ...

Wow... I can't believe I've been were I work for five years... I can't believe I've lasted HERE for five years. Back when I lived in Chicago, the longest job I ever held was a year and a half. Though, I don't know if I would have still been working there today, if it hadn't been for the terrorist attacks in '01. I'd like to think I would have, but if I had, then I wouldn't have been able to know all the amazing people who've come into my life since moving here.

Just this once, I'll stray from topic... I say they are all amazing, yet I don't think I can really call any of them my friends. I wish that I could. But calling them friends would mean that we all hang out someplace other than at work. It seems to be difficult to have friends in this day and age... Well maybe it's more "at my age"... Life seems to be so busy now, and the only time I ever really get to relax is when I get to go home from work. Even on my days off, I have errands and chores.

I don't think it's just me, either. Most of the people I know, nowadays are married and have children, families of their own to take care of. They have a lot more "First Day"s than I'll probably see.
Any "First Day"s any of you want to share? I can't guarantee that it'll open your eyes, like mine did, but sometimes it's good know where you've been in order to find out where you want to go
Mata ne!

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